Thursday, December 8, 2011

Rug Show Moments 2011 - Fun and Games

by John Aldrich

In recent years at the show, we have taken time on Thursday afternoon for some light-hearted diversion. A variety of games having been offered to entertain the Elders. This year it was a double header starting with stick ponies followed by a roping contest.

Janet Dalton has been the organizer for these games, and this year, in keeping with the horse theme of the show, the activity involved stick ponies. During the course of the year volunteers took standard toy ponies and transformed them into a variety of fanciful creatures such as giraffes, leprechauns, pigs, and cowboys.

Here's Janet, at one of the rug show planning meetings, with a small selection of these creations:

At the show, volunteers "rode" the horses out and presented each one to an Elder. Here are a few of the riders waiting in the wings to make their appearance onstage:

- - - while Linda is priming the audience for what is about to happen:

- - - then out came the riders:

Katie Furcap seems pleased with her Miss Piggy horse:

The second entertainment for the afternoon was roping. By way of explanation it should be noted that horses are an integral part of Navajo culture and most older Navajos grew up with and own them. Skills such as riding and roping are second nature to Navajos, both men and women.

Several years ago we had a calf roping event at the rug show, and Buster Bigashi was created as the target. This year Buster was transformed into a horse and renamed Hidalgo. Every Navajo attending had a chance to exhibit their skill and win prizes. Grace Smith Yellowhammer starts out with a bullseye:

- - - while Elizabeth Clah shows good form as her rope uncoils toward the unsuspecting Hidalgo:

Mary Lou Gleason looks determined as she begins her warmup:

In the end, many prizes were presented. Here are some of the winners:

In the background is Harry Begay to whom we owe many thanks for supervising the event.

1 comment:

  1. This is hilarious too! Janet did great organising this game. The horses outfits are funny. Clever people who came up with those designs. Wonderful to see the Elders participating.
